I normally don’t pay much attention to my dreams. The majority of them just make no sense anyway. On occasion though, I will see someone who I haven’t seen in a long while. Recently, I dreamed about Dad. Dad left this life on a Friday, October 4, 2013. I can’t say it was entirely unexpected. He had been sick for quite a while unable to get out much. He wasn’t at that point the strong dad that I remembered. Long sickness had taken a toll on his body. He was frail in body but strong in mind, when he felt up to talking. I remember hoping that mom would cope, and I remember consoling myself with the fact that Dad’s no longer suffering. I guess that’s what family usually does. Life goes on.
I guess the reason that my dream this time has stuck in my head, is how Dad looked when I saw him. It wasn’t really an exciting dream. I remember being at Mom’s house knowing that Dad should be home pretty soon. I was grown because I remember checking on my son Joshua and found him asleep in his room. I guess the hour was late when Dad finally got home and I went out to greet him. It felt normal. It wasn’t until I woke up that I remembered that Dad had passed. I was just a son, waiting to see his Dad. I do remember thinking when he got home how strong he looked. Then I awakened. As I lay there thinking, what stuck in my head was how strong he looked. For some reason seeing my Dad that way made me remember a picture I have. He was interacting with my son, Joshua. Joshua was still young and full of energy. Dad was sitting in his chair lifting Josh into the air with one arm. Grandfather and grandson having a blast. Dad was full of life – strength – and delight.
My dream was on the night before Easter. That seemed appropriate somehow. Because of the resurrection of Christ we have the promise of life beyond this one. God has promised a day when all ills will be made right. We shall put off mortality and put on immortality. I remember laying there thinking– next time I see dad he’ll be full of life, strength, and delight. I’m looking forward to it – thank you Jesus.

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