“Broken On The Back Row”, Review

It is a sad fact God’s people do fall into sin but God’s hand is outstretched and ready to receive us back  into His loving embrace.  As told by Sandi Patty, God is a God of second chances.

For those of you that may not know of her, she was and is again, (I believe), a popular Christian contemporary singer.  She has been awarded at least nine Dove Awards, Five Grammy Awards, and others.  In 2004, she was inducted into the GMA Hall Of Fame.

Beginning from her childhood years in a Christian home, going through a divorce,  later remarrying, Patti tells parts of her life experiences up to as recent as five years ago.  She shares  some of the details of her too busy life, which leads to a stressful and unhappy and unfulfilled marriage.

Being successful at a career doesn’t necessarily mean you have it altogether at  home.  This she openly admits.  She mentions  her husband was her manager, yet  later at her request resigns.  This decision led to infidelity on her part.

Sandi traveled often and was away from home and kids.   She begins living a double life and keeps this secret for a while from the public but of course God saw.  After about two years of lies and secrecy, she becomes broken and wants to be clean before her LORD.  With the help of her pastor and the support of a loving church family, Patti is forgiven and brought back in right relationship with her heavenly Father.

She along with several others, suffered for her bad choices but God in His mercy saw fit to make her whole again.  This book details her journey back to God’s forgiveness, and grace.

I would highly recommend it.  I happened on it at the library, and I believe God used it to bring me insights that I might not have otherwise attained. Hopefully, you too can receive from it’s content.

Perhaps you are struggling within and peace is far from you;  remember God still loves you and desires to give you good things in your life.  He can help you if you follow  His way, which is His Word. There is no other remedy nor shortcuts to restoration. I know, for I have been guilty too, not of adultery, but of being too busy doing things my own way instead of God’s. I too suffered and caused my husband pain. It is a hard lesson to learn and I probably won’t always get it right but I press toward the mark. With God’s help and my husband’s patience, I can do all things. You can too!




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